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This free section is open to anyone who wants to take a peek at some of the science behind the program. The full (paid) system includes anything from nutrition to exercise. It’s super specific, super-new and very promising. Explore. Get Smarter. Get Better Results!



Best Cardio For Weight Loss


Cardio for Weight Loss

Think outside of the BOX

The video above deals with a few interesting concepts:

Movement Patterns vs Muscle-Splits

Traditionally, we go to the gym to do cardio & weights… this is very general.. kind of like saying “eat clean” without being specific. Sure… it’s a step in the right direction but none the less, an over-simplified approach.

We all agree muscle activity is paramount for weight loss, whether you still think it’s because of calories (watch the “rethink calories” section) or whether you have already understood the significance of slow twitch (type 1) muscle fibers in the oxidation of fat.

More evolved gym approaches will try and cover each muscle in the approx. 640 muscle the body has. So a “legs day”, “arms day” or chest and triceps, back and biceps is often the common conversation. In reality there is a far better way to get all the muscles to activate while creating more balance in the strength / stiffness /stability your body has.

So you can spend your life in the gym, trying to target each muscle (640 of them.. no joke!) or you can turn to movement patterns.

In 7 movement patterns, you can target each and every muscle. The movements are: Push, Pull, Single leg stance, symmetrical stance, asymmetrical stance, hips down (squat), hips back / hinge (deadlift / thrust).

We have 3 core activation patterns that are highly dependent on foot stance and they are anti-extension (resisting extension), anti lateral flexion (resisting a side bend) and anti rotation (resisting rotational forces). Do everything left and right and you can get every single muscle, every time.

I know – seems like a lot of work, but with a little bit of research, you can reduce the work you do in the gym per the results you can expect. Totally worth getting a bit smarter.

You can also check out BellyProof Muscle – our awesome program to build muscle mass and movement skills.

Asymmetrical work

When we start loading the body asymmetrically, we increase muscle activity. This can’t be done at a very high-threshold effectively with most people which is why this would fit the “burning” or fat-oxidation phase, which relies on type 1 muscle fibers (slow twitch).

That means, assuming we have broken fat earlier down the process, we can now burn it 3-4 times faster by introducing asymmetry. And just as bonus: we would benefit from improved motor control later on if we do it correctly.

Does fat spot reduction exist?

You can’t choose where you burn off fat, but you can do a lot to limit the resistance of certain areas. This allows you to burn fat where it was previously stubborn.

Video link:

Many people argue that you can’t “target belly fat” or where you want to lose fat (spot reduction).


So how does that settle with my claim that the BellyProof signature fat-loss program will help you lose belly fat? Ah.. well that I can quite easily explain.

Have you ever heard that “you lose fat evenly from all over your body”? And at the same time “your belly is the last to go” or that basically, you don’t lose fat evenly from all over your body.

This begs the following question:

Why are some areas more stubborn when it comes to fat loss? And can we do anything about it?

The full answer is that it’s complicated (you can see more info about the science here) but three things that really comes to mind are:

  • Your belly is colder than your face in most cases – which indicate poor blood circulation
  • You have high amount of Cortisol receptors on your abdominal tissue (about 400% times more than the rest of your body)
  • You have high density of Alpha-2 receptors on your belly fat and love handles. These receptors makes it very hard to lose fat.

So, when I say I can help you lose fat from the belly, I don’t mean by doing one exercise or the other. The way we do it is by reinforcing practices that will improve circulation to the abdominal tissue (point 1), reduce and inhibit the amount of cortisol receptors (point 2) and inhibit the alpha-2 receptors on your belly.

So, it’s not that we target belly fat, we just target many of the factors that makes it so stubborn in the first place.

By reduces the resistance of belly fat to our fat-loss efforts combined with a super effective way to lose fat rapidly, we can give you results and help you finally lose belly fat, faster, unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

Makes sense?